
Calculator: Satellite Antenna Bearing - Máy tính: Satellite Antenna Bạc đạn

Satellite antenna bearing calculator - Máy tính: Satellite Antenna Bạc đạn

This tool is intended to calculate the bearing (azimuth and elevation) of an antenna in a given location (defined by its latitude and its longitude), when this antenna is pointing to a geo-stationary satellite located at a given longitude. This is particularly useful when installing satellite TV receiver.

Graphical explanation of satellite longitude and receiver latitude and longitude.
Graphical explanation of receiver azimuth and elevation.
Receiver location: longitude: ° (decimal format, positive = east, negative = west)
latitude: ° (decimal format, positive = north, negative = south)
Satellite location: longitude: ° (decimal format, positive = east, negative = west)
Antenna bearing: azimuth: ° (decimal format, 0° = north, 90° = east, 180° = south, 270° = west)
elevation: ° (decimal format, 0° = horizontal, 90° = vertical)
Math formulas used for computation.

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